SMART Goals Are Absolutely Stupid

Why SMART Goals are Absolutely Stupid

SMART Goals Are Absolutely Stupid

Here are some quick stats for you…

75-85% of people do not have goals

14% of the population has goals, but they are not written down

Only 3% of people have written goals

If you’re reading this blog article, then you likely are part of that 3%. And, you’ve probably heard of, if not taken a training on S.M.A.R.T. goals. Though this is a widely used goal-setting model, that stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely – it’s time to ditch this way of thinking…and here’s why…

You should have specific goals so you have a laser-focused attention on exactly what you want to achieve without becoming paralyzed by trying to do too much. And, your goals should absolutely be measurable. You should be able to pinpoint the exact benefits or outcomes you want your goals to have and how to verify if you have achieved them.

Now, in terms of Achievable – why not set goals that are not achievable? Why settle for “low hanging” fruit, the easy to achieve goals? By stretching your limits and working toward a seemingly unattainable goal, you will inadvertently accomplish more than if you set your sights much lower.

Believe it or not, setting unrealistic goals will compel you to do more, think in a different way, and be more willing to step outside of the box to achieve your desired outcome. You want to make $10,000 next month, why not consider how you can make $100,000 or $1,000,000? Who cares if you don’t reach that mark, but your way of thinking will be dramatically different and probably more impactful than trying to only generate $10,000 in revenue. The importance here doesn’t necessarily lie in achieving the goal as it does with making forward progress, taking the right actions you need to move yourself and your mindset in the right direction to strategically let you expand your success.

When you think of a goal we often put timelines, deadlines, or time constraints around what we do, how we do it, and what we should get from it. But, I challenge you to be flexible in how you frame your goals in terms of achieving them in a giving timeframe. Again, the emphasis should really be placed on the actions you are taking to move to the next level.

Stop thinking in terms of goals and instead in terms of outcomes and results. A goal is often something we are “trying” to do. Your mindset must shift away from a “trying” mentality to a “doing” philosophy. And, replacing the word “goals” with outcomes or results is pivotal in framing your approach.

As you plan your results and outcomes for this week, this month, or for the rest of the year, try using the S.I.M.P.L.E. model.

S – Specific. Hone in on one result or outcome you want to achieve and hyper-focus on this.

I – Important. Choose something that is important to your personal, professional, or business growth.

M- Measurable. Figure out how you will measure your results to verify if you are on the right track.

P – Purpose. Reflect on the purpose of your actions. What do you need to do to achieve the desired result? Find your answers and revisit these daily for inspiration.

L- Lofty. Don’t box yourself in – think big as often as possible. The bigger the result you want to achieve the more meaningful your actions will be as you work toward this outcome.

E- Exciting. If the desired outcome does not excite you or propels you out of bed in the morning, then why do it? No one wants to chase after mediocre, boring goals. Pick something that you can be dedicated to 100% with passion and energy.

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