06 Jun You’re Not Closing Business – Here’s Why!
In business, you are either early or late. For me, I strive to be early and if I am not, I let people know well ahead of time, so they can prepare accordingly.
When I am traveling to a client meeting, I always add at least 25 extra minutes to my commute time. That way, if it would usually take 20 minutes to get to a client site, I’ll leave at least 45 minutes before. You never know what may happen. There could be unexpected traffic, construction, you may need to find parking – you never know.
You want to budget in time for things to go wrong, in case they do. That way, you are prepared to handle things that pop up and still be calm and collected for your meeting.
Last week, I was going to a client meeting. And, had I not added in that extra 25 minutes I would have been considerably late, but because I have that extra time padding I was still early, even just a few minutes. As I made my way to the elevator, a woman was rushing in literally running to the elevator. I watched her try to pull herself together in the elevator and I thought to myself, this is why I aim to be early for every meeting. Now, once she arrives wherever she’s going, not only is she late, but she’s likely so disheveled that she may not put her best foot (or impression) forward.
In business, a big pet peeve for many is showing up on time and being ready. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard of people firing or not moving forward with a consultant because they were not on time to the first meeting. Being early is a sign of respect and organization. And, if you are looking for the best person to work with, you want them to be ready and up to showing up on time.
Whether you need to add in extra alarms or get in the habit of adding in more time to get to where you’re going, you need to make an effort now to make being early your top priority.
So, I challenge you to figure out a system to keep yourself on track. What are you using that can ensure that you are always early and not late? If you don’t know – figure it out this week!
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