Get Your Life in Alignment

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Get Your Life in Alignment

As a business owner, your business or work life is only one small portion of what makes you who you are. What good is having a successful career, if other areas of your life are in shambles? When you look at your life, there are 4 core areas I often refer to as Thor’s Core 4. These areas paint a more accurate picture of who you are and encompass more than just your business. The four core areas of your life are: mind, body, contribution, and relationships. As we dive briefly into each, it is important to continually assess where you are in each of these areas and what you can continue to do to nurture these areas to maximize your success.

Mind. You should dedicate at least an hour every week to have time to think, to reflect, to get in tune with your mindsets. This includes finding a way to gain knowledge or to stimulate your creative side. If you do not take the time to feed your mind, you will quickly become burnt out. A fresh mind can be your secret to continually innovating in your business and being mentally available to contribute to your relationships.

Body. Your health should be one of your top priorities. This can include how you eat, how you exercise and what you do to otherwise take care of your body. Even making sure you’re up to date with medical physicals is key to keeping your body healthy. If you are not making time to do something active, start scheduling it into your daily schedule. Consider what you eat as this can also impact your energy levels and your productivity throughout the day.

Contribution. This relates to what you are giving to others. If you want to get more out of a relationship or an endeavor, then often times you need to give more. I challenge you to reflect on how you are contributing to others. Are you mentoring your team? Are you volunteering? Are you coaching others? The key is to find ways to be more active in your business or your community.

Relationships. What are you doing to feed your relationships? This includes more than just your intimate relationships but also includes your employee and client relationships. To truly stand out in your industry, it will often begin with how you nurture your relationships. The closer you are able to get with your clients and employees, the better you are able to understand and proactively meet their needs.

This week, I challenge you to consider these four core areas and make a plan to work on at least one thing within each of these areas.

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