What’s Your Big Vision for Your Business?

What’s Your Big Vision for Your Business?

What’s Your Big Vision for Your Business?

Business owners are often full of ideas, however not every idea is worth pursuing. The key to making sure you don’t chase an idea that may lead you astray is to be clear on your vision. Knowing where you want to end up will help you sort through what ideas are worth moving forward with and which may not be aligned with your end goal.

This “idea evaluation” step is all too often skipped by entrepreneurs and before long, they’ve invested time and resources into an idea that leads them to an end result they don’t want or expect. But, by then you may be in too deep to reverse course without losing important ground or momentum.

To avoid this common pitfall, be sure to plan out your vision early on and be clear with what milestones you want to achieve and by when. With your vision in focus, you will be able to quickly discern between what ideas will help you achieve your vision and which will not.

This week, I challenge you to review your vision or create one, if you have not already. Take at least an hour this week to map out your plan of action. Think about what you want your business to become, what you want to achieve, and what ideas you may have that will help you accomplish your goals. Those ideas are the ones worth pursuing to ensure you are able to create forward progress to make your vision come to fruition.

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