Life Hacks

Life Hacks / 20.03.2019

Have you ever had a problem that you ignored and it eventually went away? Feel great, right? You didn’t have to tackle it because it seemingly resolved itself. This can be the worse thing that could happen. Why? Because when we have problems that we ignore,...

Life Hacks / 14.03.2019

If you were to ask any entrepreneur what the overall goal of a business is, then you’ll likely hear something along the lines of “selling or providing a service to others.” While this is true, I often find that as business owners we tend to...

Life Hacks / 19.02.2019

I get this question often, “How often should a CEO reach out to clients?” And, my answer is simple, “All the time!” But, buyer beware… It is important, as the leader of your company to be visible to your clients, but it is also important to make...

Life Hacks / 12.02.2019

Now that we are well into 2019, it is time to stop planning and start executing! Many business owners think that they’re in the game, but in reality, you're spinning your wheels with planning. You can plan yourself into procrastination if you don’t convert that...

Life Hacks / 24.01.2019

How big is your why? Do you have a why? Why do you have a why? These are single-handedly some of the most important questions you should be asking yourself. The “why” is what keeps you grounded and focused on moving forward. I strongly suggest having multiple “why’s”...

Life Hacks / 15.01.2019

I’m often asked, “how can we effectively address problems before they become operational issues?” And, my answer is simple… take a collaborative approach. I recently read an article about Jeff Bezos, founder, and CEO of Amazon which detailed the steps they take to address an...

Life Hacks / 27.12.2018

You’ve started your business and grown it to the point where you are ready (if not need) a right-hand person. However, finding the right COO fit can often be a challenge, especially when you approach it from the “traditional” way. We often hire for skills...

Life Hacks / 18.12.2018

When it comes to achieving your goals, many people fall short because they don’t have a compelling “why” to want to dedicate to reaching their goals. Every goal you create should have a “big why” that propels you to stay focused on getting the work...

Life Hacks / 20.11.2018

Starting a business is a financial balancing act. You need cash to get started and you need enough to hold you over while you generate buzz around your business and attract customers. But, cash flow challenges aren’t a start-up problem. As you scale your business,...

Life Hacks / 08.11.2018

I will be the first to tell you: change is hard. Whether you are “forced” to change because of an unexpected shift in your industry, or if you are looking for a new way to shake things up – change is inevitable. And, as technology revolutionizes...

Life Hacks / 09.10.2018

I’m often asked, “What can I do to stay motivated?” and my response is actually a very simple one. I follow the same three steps when I make goals in my business as well as in my personal life. When it comes to staying on track,...

Life Hacks / 04.10.2018

When it comes to growing your business, stepping out of the box is often mission critical to your business success. I recently had a client reach out to me because their sales were dropping, despite them sending out 100+ emails a day. Naturally, they went to...

Life Hacks / 27.09.2018

If you’re like most entrepreneurs and business owners then you know, the more your business grows, the more problems you’ll encounter. Simply put, challenges propel us to grow and to transform what we do and how we do it. I found this out firsthand last year with my...

Life Hacks / 04.09.2018

Though success is not guaranteed in business, there are certain steps and actions you can take to put yourself on a winning trajectory. However, it all comes back to you truly reflecting on what you want and being willing to put a plan to execute...